# Writing Treat Information The Writing Treat is a chill writing stream/hangout where people hang out, talk, and work on their projects. Primary language is English. ## Link, hashtag, and hosts * Jitsi link: [TheWritingTreat](https://meet.jit.si/TheWritingTreat) * Hashtag: #WritingTreat on the Fediverse * Hosts * maloki [@maloki@writeout.ink](https://writeout.ink/@maloki): Tuesday 07:00 UTC * Jess Mahler [@jessmahler@indiepocalypse.social](https://indiepocalypse.social/@jessmahler):Thursday 07:00 UTC * L.J. [@ljwrites@writeout.ink](https://writeout.ink/@ljwrites): Irregular pinch hitter host ## Regular schedule * Sunday 11:00-13:00 UTC * Thursday 13:00-15:00 UTC ## Expectations/rules * Neurodivergence-friendly space * Video and mic optional * Don't be afraid to ask for explanation and accommodations! * Leave any time for any reason, no explanation necessary * Anti-racist and anti-bigotry * "Skin in the game" rule of political discussions * Don't bring up politics unless it affects you/your loved ones * E.g. life as racialized minorities, trans and queer, disability etc. is fine * No war or military occupation talk unless, again, you are affected ## Admin * [[todo]]